
Cofermin Chemicals Logo Rach     REACh  Registration


REACh is a new law within the EU (European  Community) on substances (chemicals) and their safe use.
It deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances.

Since it came into force in June 2007 REACh requires all substances (chemicals) of one ton or more in volume that are manufactured in or imported into the European Union to be registered with the new central European authority called European Chemicals Agency located in Helsinki, Finland.

REACh encourages manufacturers and importers  of such substances to pre-register them during the 6 month pre-registration period,
starting 01.06.2008 and ending 30.11.2008.
Once companies have pre-registered, they have more time before they have to fully register the substances, or to decide not to register.

And here the service of Cofermin Chemicals via KFT Chemieservice starts :
by various consulting models we guide you through pre-registration and/or final registration processes.
You may visit our webpages

Cofermin Building REACh ServicesIn case of any question you may contact us at:
Cofermin Chemicals GmbH & Co. KG
Div.: REACh Registration
Alfredstr. 61
45130 Essen

Tel : +49-201-799 872 0
Fax: +49-201-799 872 22
E-Mail: chemicals(at)

Head of the REACh - Team

REACh Ursula Baumann Mrs.Ursula Baumann
 Cofermin Chemicals

REACh Uli Grunow Mr. Ulrich S. Grunow
 Cofermin Chemicals

REACh Dr. Torges Dr. Karl-Franz Torges
 KFT Chemieservice


The new chemical legislation REACh requires the preregistration and registration of substances. If companies exceed deadlines or if they forget to register substances the impacts to their entity may be tremendous.

REACh Registration Process

The registration under REACh is a complex process. In this process a number of different partners are involved. For a compliant registration we create a project plan and establish the responsibility assignment for all steps from the planning to the final registration. For that purpose we compiled a default procedure.

REACh Steps of Registration

1) REACh Check:
In this step we go once more very detailed into the regulation. Together we will find out whether and how your company is impacted by REACh and how the further practice should look like.

2) Preparation of the registration project:
Based on the results of the REACh check an evaluation and project planning project will be carried out. For this the instructing party is supplying all information and documents which she has on hand (substance inventories, substance information and documents, quantity estimations, use and exposure information etc.). With this information a pre-registration and registration strategy is framed. In this project phase also the allocation of tasks for the future is drafted.

3) Pre-registration:
As all fundamental information were already collected and structures in phase 2, the pre-registration itself will be of minor effort. We forward the pre-registration data directly to the ECHA (European Chemical Agency) website or we maintain the data in IUCLID 5.0 and create the pre-registration file which we then forward to the agency.

4) Registration + Evaluation:
Following the determined task allocation we are supplying the subsequent services for our clients:

  • Participation in the Pre-SIEF and SIEF activities
  • Generation of the REACh enhanced safety data sheet
    • Collection and determination of the required data
  • Execution/support/coaching of the  registration
    • Support with the definition and carry out of the supply chain communication
  • Execution/support/coaching of the evaluation
    • Creation of the exposition scenarios and execution of the risk assessment
  • Management consulting
    • Generation of the Chemical Safety Report (CSR)


    Via Cofermin Chemicals, KFT Chemieservice can depending on the wish of the client act as coaching partner, as responsible project manager for the complete or part of the whole REACH project or appear as third party representative (article4).

    For a non EC manufacturer we would be pleased to take over the tasks and responsibilities of the Only Representative (article. 8)

    REACh Roles and Assignment of Tasks

    Cofermin Chemicals in co-operation with KFT Chemieservice is offering scalable services. Clients can order whole processes/packages or parts respectively single tasks.